Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard

Aron Schatz
June 26, 2006
You already have a great gaming mouse, but now you need to pair it with a gaming keyboard. Enter the Logitech G15. This isn't your 20th century keyboard. Read on to find out why...

Page 1: Intro, Parts, Keyboard

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Since the introduction of the dedicated laser gaming mice, Logitech needs a keyboard to pair up with the best mouse ever created. The G7 is absolute gold and Logitech has stepped up to the plate to hopefully hit another home run with its G15 keyboard. You have already seen a »great review of the keyboard from a member at »ASEville. That is correct, you can write your own articles or reviews at »ASEville! Anyway, let us find out if my opinion will be the same. If you do not want to read through the meat of the review, just skip to the conclusion.



Logitech's gaming division takes the green and puts it into overdrive. The product is easily distinguished from other competing products on the shelf. The box also displays some incorrect information. I'll get into that later.



The basic no frills packing. You get the keyboard, some software, a small manual, and an wrist rest which I recommend you throw away. Input devices are the most important part of your computing experience (do not let any hardware enthusiast site tell you otherwise). You need be comfortable while using the computer and you need to make sure that each of your input devices fit you well. Buy yourself a good wrist rest and you will thank me later in life.

The Keyboard:


This picture reminded me of the opening scene of Spaceballs when you see Spaceball 1 flying in and it keeps on going for minutes past the camera. Yes, the keyboard is huge! While it is nowhere as bad as the QcK+ (that thing was obnoxious), it does present a problem if you use a pull out drawer or are in any other cramped space.


The reason the keyboard is so big is because of the set of programmable "G" keys. There are 18 G keys and there are three "M" keys that can switch programs. In total, there are 3*18=54 total programmable keys in any profile (more on that later). In the above picture you will notice a standard 12 inch ruler, it is quite big compared to a normal keyboard. The extra space adds to the symmetry of the device. This is a problem I have with keyboards. Most of the time the keyboard does not feel right to me, the number pad should be on the left so you get quicker access to the mouse. At least with this keyboard, you have even spacing and you hands rest in a more neutral position. I cannot say how everyone will fair with this keyboard, your best bet is to try one out in a retail store.

Left Side Center Right Side

The keyboard contains the extra programmable keys on the left but also contains many more features that set this keyboard apart from other keyboards. There is a lack of extra keys. Those are what I call the "BS" keys such as email and homepage keys or other sort of quick launch buttons. It makes the keyboard look too cluttered. In the center located at the top left is the Windows key disable switch which is VERY useful for a gaming keyboard. No need to pop off your keys if you keep hitting the Windows key. This switch is hardwired and does not require software. There is a mute button and a backlight button on the top right and both do not need software to function.


Open the little door and you will find the major feature of this keyboard, the LCD. You will want to leave the LCD open all the time as the volume control (which does not need software) is under it as are the media controls, which do not work in Winamp or Media Player Classic. There is also a set of keys for the LCD above the media controls for manipulating the LCD alone. On the top of the keyboard are two USB ports. They are only 1.1 ports so do not think that you can just plug your USB 2.0 flashdrive in and be zipping files around in a flash. There are cable management guides under the USB ports if, for instance, you wanted to use a USB mouse or such device with the keyboard.


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