Keep your computer dust free!!

Aron Schatz
October 14, 2001
An easy and inexpensive way to keep out dust from your computer.
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Page 1: Easy

An enthusiast will tell you that dust is one the most harmful things to a computer.
Even if you don't pay much attention (or care about) to your computer, this
will, at least, lengthen the life of it. And it will be very easy todo!
<img src="/images/dustaway/thingsneeded.jpg"><br>
This is the stuff you'll need. That's it. Scotchbright, Velcro (The hook side),
and a pair of Scissors.
<p>This will take about five minutes todo and you'll be really happy that you
did it in the long run. Take the Velcro out of its package and separate it into
its two sides...</p>

<p><img src="/images/dustaway/velstrands.jpg"><br>
One side is hooked, that is the side you want.</p>
<p>Now you want the HOOKED side of the Velcro. The hook side is the one that is
nice a patterned and isn't all bushy... Once you have the strand, cut it into
4 square pieces. It doesn't have to be precise, look at the way I cut it Smile.</p>

<p><img src="/images/dustaway/cutvel.jpg"><br>
My four square pieces...</p>
<p>Now that you have the Velcro cut and ready to put on, locate the fan hole for
your computer. This can also be done anywhere else that air enters your computer.
The fan hole will look like this...</p>

<p><img src="/images/dustaway/fanhole.jpg"><br>
See the dust on it already?</p>
<p>Brush off any dust already there like I had and then prep the scouring pad
by cutting it to a square that is bigger than the size of the fan hole...</p>

<p><img src="/images/dustaway/scotchpad.jpg"><br>
Nice square piece.</p>
<p>Now that you have that done, put the Velcro on the computer near the fan holes
and arrange them in the four corners or near the corners...</p>

<p><img src="/images/dustaway/fanholevel.jpg"><br>
Near the corners...</p>
<p>Now your almost done. Just take the scotchbright and push it into the Velcro.
Viola! Your done. Your computer will thank you for that time and effort you
put into doing this. Here is my finished product. (Note the detail of my cutting
Wink and the accuracy of my placement).</p>

<p><img src="/images/dustaway/finish1.jpg"> <img src="/images/dustaway/finish2.jpg"><br>
Now go back to playing on a new dust free computer!</p></center><p>I should also add that'll you need a new pad every couple of weeks or so...</p>


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