Visiontek Ti 4200 review

Aron Schatz
June 14, 2002
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Beyond3D reviews a Visiontek Ti 4200.

The suggested price of USD$249 may sound pricey for a "low end" GeForce4 Ti card but with VisionTek opting for 128MB to "promote" anti-aliasing as a possibility at high resolutions (i.e. higher than 1024x768), the amount of memory has to be taken into consideration. This review suggests that this is not necessarily true all the time - it depends on the type of game and the anti-aliasing option implemented. 2xAA is barely an option in Jedi Knight2 - with Comanche4 and F1 2001, any kind of AA is not an option at this high a resolution. Yes, perhaps 128MB has an advantage over 64MB - it actually allows the ability to use even 4xAA in games because of the larger frame buffer. Actual performance is another matter.


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