Beware young website owner, powerful forces may overcome you

Aron Schatz
May 2, 2002
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In two recent cases involving domain name disputes, the judges ruled in favor of the big coporation or the celeb. That is wrong, while I don't like squatters, but many people that aren't squatting stand to loose their family website because some big coporation wants the name, or it sounds like them...[PAGEBREAK]
The organizations charged with mediating domain name disputes issued two rulings last month against individuals who registered their family names, turning over the sites to guitarist Peter Frampton and to Miller Brewing.

The issue of whether people have the rights to their name in Web addresses has been a tricky one. Several celebrities, including singer Madonna and actress Julia Roberts, have won such cases. However, others, including President George W. Bush and Maryland Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, haven't succeeded.



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