Intel Continues Shipping Sandy Bridge Chipsets With Flaw

Aron Schatz
February 8, 2011

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Intel is probably losing too much money to wait for the chipset fix to get into the channel. They are continuing shipments of the Sandy Bridge motherboard chipset with the flaw. The flaw can be worked around and most end users probably won't even notice any problems.


The flaw, said to affect 5 to 15 percent of all Cougar Point motherboards, results in a performance degradation for storage devices connected to the motherboard's SATA II data inputs. Devices that use those inputs are typically either hard drives or optical disk drives. If the inputs were affected, connected drives would eventually slow down to the point of becoming unusable.

To protect a PC from experiencing that issue, a system vendor could simply use the newer, faster SATA III inputs. Most Cougar Point desktop motherboards we've seen have four SATA II ports and two SATA IIIs. Laptop boards tend to have fewer inputs, but it's not hard to imagine that in a closed laptop or all-in-one chassis a vendor could simply use the SATA III inputs for the hard drive and the optical drive and ship without risk.



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