Current Intel boards to support 800Mhz through OCing

Aron Schatz
March 21, 2003

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I wouldn't hardly call this a feature. I remember back in the day when I was running Celerons at 100Mhz FSB, that is what overclocking is. Anyway, whatever.

[QUOTE]Though the 845PE is cheaper than the Springdale chipset, to be launched in May, the sales prospects of 845PE, 800MHz-supporting motherboards are still unclear, as the 845PE lacks dual-channel DDR support and 800MHz FSB Pentium 4 processors are more expensive than 533MHz versions. Unlike its current 845 series, which supports a 533MHz FSB and DDR333 memory, Intel’s Springdale chipset supports an 800MHz FSB and dual-channel DDR400.[/QUOTE


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