Wireless Spectrum Auction Soon

Aron Schatz
August 9, 2006

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The FCC will be auctioning unused spectrum soon to raise money. Nevermind that the FCC also makes rules regarding morality issues. Maybe the FCC should stick to what is was meant to be doing... this stuff.


Satellite providers DirecTV and EchoStar are teaming up under the name Wireless DBS to put down $972.5 million in bids for spectrum. Cable operators Comcast, Cox Communications and Time Warner have joined forces with Sprint Nextel to form a group called SpectrumCo that is bidding $637.7 million for licenses. Cingular Wireless and Verizon Wireless, which already have plenty of spectrum, have also made separate deposits to bid on the spectrum, according to public documents filed with the FCC. These companies are likely bidding to ensure that others don't get the spectrum too cheaply, some analysts say.

What the FCC should do is to support wireless ISPs. My father and I went to look at new phones at Verizon. He wanted the Razr and I didn't want to really change my phone... then I spotted that the Razr has Bluetooth and EVDO. I asked the guy about data plans... $60 extra per month PLUS the phone service. What a ripoff. Seriously, Verizon and other providers need to have some serious competition to get this wireless broadband stuff started.

Ohh, I could have used Get-it-now and paid through my nose for ring tones and stuff.


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