Gamecube to include online gaming in the near future

Aron Schatz
May 14, 2002
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Page 1 reports that the Gamecube will actually have an online component. Getting game systems online are a little different that full fledged PCs (except for the Xbox, which is a PC).

The first games to take advantage of online GameCube play will be two new versions of Sega's "Phantasy Star Online," the first major console game to offer online play, through Sega's now-defunct Dreamcast console. GameCube versions of "Phantasy Star Online I" and "Phantasy Star Online II" are set to be available this fall. The service will work with most ISP (Internet service provider) connections. I will be interested to learn if this really works out. I like online gaming on my PC, but something about a controller in my hands rather than a mouse and keyboard seems a bit different.


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