Said By EpicMello
your mom talks with you about guys and porn together, (The answer to the question is we watch it, jack it, then go to the kitchen and think about it while we drink some egg-nog, then we go back and play nazi zombies on the PS3, probably go watch a movie afterwords, get online and watch more porn then sleep, then wake up and play metal gear solid, then watch more porn, all while laughing and telling jokes together, its great bonding time)
Said By ChosenOne
Well Sakamae if you really want to know I will tell you but you may be grossed out.
wait what the hell you dont play video games and watch porn together with a friend lol and second who the hell jerks off with a friend i agree with sakame thats just weird
Said By MOOT
if you jerked off infront of me, it would probably cause me to jerk off infront of you, causing some other girl to jerk off near me, then so on until this chain of events starts the whole world jerking off. but we would have to time it right
Said By Sakamae
WOW just WOW. So pleas go on if you want but wouldn't you want to well you know have sex with the girl if you in the same room? I mean come on you watch it then you jerk off but it's gross even know that you do it in front of your friends that are guys the same gos for girls i would hate to do some thing like that in front of some one i'm just saying the poin is to watch it with a girl then fuck them am i right?