Said By Opera Press Release
Originally Posted by Opera Press Releases
A Web Revolution in the Living room: Opera partners with Nintendo to put browser on the Wii� game console
Oslo, Norway and Los Angeles, Calif., May 10, 2006
Opera Software, a world leader in Web browser technology, today announced that Nintendo's much anticipated new generation game console, Wii, will use the Opera browser.
Users of the Wii console will browse the Internet using their consoles. Navigating via the innovative new Wii Remote controller, users can visit Web sites in between gaming sessions.
"Nintendo is clearly visionary in leading the gaming industry into the new era in gaming, and a wonderful partner for Opera," says Jon von Tetzchner, CEO, Opera Software. "We are thrilled to expand our partnership with Nintendo, and work with them to deliver the best gaming experience on the Wii console and the Nintendo DS�."
"For our Wii console launch in 2006, we required a browser that was fast and secure with support for the latest standards including AJAX. Opera proved perfect for our purposes and is an exceptional addition to both the Nintendo DS and the Wii console," said Genyo Takeda, senior managing director and general manager, Integrated Research & Development Division, Nintendo Co., Ltd.
Said By Aron Schatz
No, but seriously... Wii looks like a clever marketting scheme. Nintendo can't be calling the Revolution "Wii" any place but English speaking countries. In Japan, they can't even pronounce it!
Said By RudeMoody
Sega and Nintendo aren't "apples and oranges" (they're both japanese game companies that had their ups and downs) - but your analogy of Sega/Dreamcast and Microsoft /Xbox sure is -Microsoft has the $ to see success for the 360 in the long run, Sega was broke. Nintendo hasn't been "top of their game" since the SNES, and have since relied on old franchises and the handheld market to be profitable. They should stop making home consoles and make money of games for the PS3/360. - but they've proven themselves to be too arrogant to make such a decision. (Hell, they've pretty much given up competing with MS and Sony this round with their market positioning, so why not go all the way?)
Said By RudeMoody
Bottom line, IMO, it's going to be a close race between the MS and Sony in Europe and the US. PS3 is still all smoke and mirrors, most people don't care about it's blueray crap, and is too expensive. It'll do well in japan b/c of their natinalism (they "buy japanese" before anything else), but in the US, I feel it's going to be an uphill battle against the 360. it's a great system and is getting better and better.
Said By BBC News
Nintendo sets price limit on Wii
Nintendo Wii and controllers
Nintendo's new Wii console will be launched before Christmas
Japanese games giant Nintendo has confirmed that the price of its new Wii console will be much lower than its rivals.
The Wii will cost 25,000 yen or lower in Japan and $250 (�133) or less in the US, said Nintendo as it revealed its financial results.
The company added it aims to sell six million machines by March 2007.
The Wii is due out towards the end of the year, competing with Sony's PlayStation 3 and Microsoft's Xbox 360.
The three companies are battling for a share of a video games industry worth some $30bn (�16bn).
Cheaper machine
Nintendo unveiled its Wii console at the E3 games expo in Los Angeles earlier this year.
Sony PlayStation 3
The PlayStation 3 is due out in November
At the time, it did not reveal the cost of the machine, but analysts had expected it to be lower than its competitors.
At a news conference in Osaka, Nintendo senior managing director Yoshihiro Mori confirmed what many wanted to hear.
The price range set by Nintendo contrasts with the cost of Sony's new PlayStation 3, which is due to hit the shops in November.
A basic version of the console will cost $499 (�266), while a premium model will sell for $599 (�320).
The exact price in Britain has not been announced but the head of Sony Computer Entertainment in the UK has suggested it could be around �425.
Prices for Microsoft's Xbox 360, which went on sale last November, start at $299 (�209 in the UK).
Said By Einstein
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Said By Baldeagle1
I will be getting an XBox 360 over a PS3 for a few simple reasons 1st of all 360 is American
Said By Einstein
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.