Baldeagle1I Feel the Dark Side in YouJoined: September 13, 2005Status: OfflinePosts: 196Rep:
Game Stores are a Joke Wed Aug 9, 2006 2:25:07 PM#20635Perm Link
OK as many of you know by now that i Made The XBox 360 Jump a few weeks ago maybe 4 weeks ago, so at that time i purchased a New Game for $60 bucks Call of Duty 2 , now some of you may think im crazy but i really did not like the game so i decided to trade in the game and get something else. 1st Stop was Game Stop i approach one of the Employees there to see how much i would get for a trade in (in my head im thinking between $30 to $40 bucks) the guy tells me $18 bucks without even thinking i replied Fuck That i just Bought this game 3 to 4 weeks ago for $60 Bucks plus Tax and Game Stop is offering $18 bucks and are selling it used for $54.99 which so happens to be right behind the Guy??? im thinking what kind of Bull Shit is this so then Today i stop at another Game Stop and the trade in value at this location was $15 bucks now at this Time i rather give the Game to someone than to trade the damn thing in. I don�t like the Game but with such loss of Value i will learn to like it one way or another. from now on i will only buy used games
I was having this discussion today. I think it's a load of crap. Then the bastards will sell the game for 5 or 10 dollars less than it would be new. They don't even seem to try to make it worth it.
The only time that they may provide better deals is when they have trade 3 in and get extra cash. I traded in really crappy games and got some okay cash.
2014 is going to be a good year. More content, more streamlining. Be a part of history!
I used to work at EB, and it was pretty bad then, but I think it's gotten worse since the buyout by Gamestop. Their whole philosophy is sell the new games (small profit margin), and then get people to trade them in as quickly as possible so they can make big profit margins. If the game is traded within 2-3 weeks of release you'll usually get about half (sometimes a little more) what you paid back. It drops sharply after that depending on how many copies are out there, how many are currently in inventory company wide, and what sales have been like (are they likely to have to hold on the that game that they paid out $18 for until the used price drops to 17.99, or will it sell before that? With COD2 selling with something like 75% of 360s that went out at launch, there won't be a huge resale market, and it's likely that launch games like COD2 will see some sort of platinum hits price drop this Christmas. They're just hedging their bets. Listen to Rude though. Keep the game. It's still proabably the best online game on 360, and if you haven't beaten it on Veteran difficulty, there's still work to be done. Game resellers aren't healthy for the industry either. The publisher and developer of the game don't see dime one when a used copy of the game is sold so if you love the game and want to see more, buy it new. That being said, sometimes you buy a game and decide that you don't really like it. In that case, Blockbuster's Gamerush stores usually offer the best trade in values, and often run nice specials. EB/Gamestop can be ok when you watch their promotions too (as Aron said sometimes you get an extra $10 or something when you trade 3 games), but often many older games are excluded from these promotions.
At this point and time I will not get rid of the game I will keep it
But i have and idea to buy games cheaper just hang out outside a EB Game Store or Game Stop one day with nothing to do and catch the Kids walking in and intercept them before they go in and make an offer for a game you may want shit I know that your offer will be way better that these game Stores. Tha EB Games at WillowBrook Mall has a Bench right outside of it and alot of people go in to trade their games.
That is my way to get even....... I work Hard for my Money and so Do alot of you Guys too