this is were you post your dream PC meaning if u could make any pc what wouldd it have in it.
"Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. "
Dual X1950XTX cards from ATI/AMD
AMD Athlon FX (whatever is the fastest) or even Dual Opterons with dual cores.
8GB of RAM (future proof) of FB-DIMM
RAID 5+0 (50) A stripe of RAID 5 arrays. 6 drives total. 1TB each drive. Perpendicular technology. NCQ.
My current Logitech setup except for the speaker... need those THX certified ones that cost $400 or whatever.
A Soundblaster X-fi (the highest)
A really nice 30" display... 3 of them.
2014 is going to be a good year. More content, more streamlining. Be a part of history!
Its all in how you treat you PC, I Installed XP Pro in my existing PC over a year ago and till this Day Knock on wood is yet to crash of freeze
If i had the money Aron�s Specs sounds good, the only thing I would add is that Cool chair that the Dorky Kid in the Movie Grandmas Boy has, that is a cool chair
I want a mobo with the nvidia 590 chipset, intel duo core extreme chipset 2.93ghz, 4gb ~1000mhz ddr2 ram, 2xseagate 750gb perp drives in a raid 0 array+2x 150gb raptors in raid 0 array, 3x x1950 cards (1 for physics, 2 for graphics...somehow magically working with the nvidia chipset, i know), 2x 24inch screens, remote control on/off, custom water cooling solution, blu-ray & HD-dvd, ati HDTV tuner, stuff to break all that DRM. ^^
I would have a Cray/NEC model SX-6M 1024M128 supercomputer.
Michael: Jodie, how's my schedule look for today? Jodie: You've got a conference and dinner party at the Japanese Embassy regarding wildlife protection. Michael: Oh, yeah...sorry, but I'll have to cancel that. I'm heading out to save America!
Who the hell cares? I'd pay someone to make me an OS if I had enough money for a Cray.
Michael: Jodie, how's my schedule look for today? Jodie: You've got a conference and dinner party at the Japanese Embassy regarding wildlife protection. Michael: Oh, yeah...sorry, but I'll have to cancel that. I'm heading out to save America!